The Best Sound Insulation For Stud Walls

The Best Sound Insulation For Stud Walls

If you need an extra bedroom, bathroom, or home office, creating this extra room by putting up a stud wall is much easier and cheaper than moving house. Especially nowadays, with so many people working from home, a home office is might as well be considered essential. And sometimes, you just want the easiest and cheapest option available without cutting corners.

By that, I mean not forgetting about sound insulation. This is important if there are other people or pets in the house that may be noisy while you work or sleep. If you can make sure your new room is well insulated, you can enjoy perfect silence throughout the day. So here are some of the best sound insulation for your stud walls.

It’d be also great to learn the basics of how sound travels through walls. Sound waves travel through the air, which then can be felt as vibrations. When these sounds come into contact with something solid like a wall, they cause vibrations on the surface. If you soundproof your wall, those vibrations can be dampened, making the noise quieter or completely gone.

Acoustic rolls

If you just want simple insulation that does a good enough job, acoustic rolls may be what you are looking for. Acoustic roll is good at removing low-level noise pollution and is very easy to install, handle, and maintain. It’s a solid choice for DIY beginners, too, as it is easier to fit and adjust compared with slabs. If you’re using metal stud wall partition systems, this solution could enhance the room to make it more comfortable.

Acoustic plasterboard

For some people, acoustic plasterboard is one of the best finishing touches they can get, especially when it comes to soundproofing. A layer of acoustic plasterboard can be added to finish off soundproofing your wall to complete the whole design. Or you can use acoustic plasterboard along without rolls or slabs. This is useful if you can’t afford to lose more valuable space for your new room and still want effective soundproofing. Of course, it will be entirely up to you if you want more sound-proofing or space.

Acoustic slabs

Acoustic slabs are very popular and great for home use. These slabs are dense and could effectively block sounds that come from inside and outside the house. They can also be used with an acoustic sealant for more noise reduction. The downside is that these slabs are rather thick, so you have to sacrifice some space for more insulation.

Isolated studs

If you’re building a stud wall from scratch, you have more options than usual when it comes to improving sound blockage. I am talking about isolating the studs themselves for extra blockage. You may already know that stud walls are a great channel for sound vibrations to pass through.

So by stopping that movement, you can effectively build stud walls that are isolated and don’t stretch from one end to the other. This kind of wall helps to stop the sound vibrations from either side. The alternative would be creating two separate stud walls in the same area. It does take up more space but will certainly block noise.

More insulation

Much like acoustic plasterboard, you can block more sound vibrations by adding mass inside the stud walls. Denser, more solid stud walls will make it harder for sound waves to pass through, so you can have a quieter room. Insulation is a great way to add density to a stud wall. This method allows you to have a wall with no empty cavities. So fill up those empty spaces with as much insulation as possible to ensure no sound can travel freely.


There you have it, some of the best insulation methods for stud walls. Now what’s left for you is to make a plan of what to do next and finally get that new room built. The entire process should be easy enough and certainly can be fun. If you have never had a well-soundproofed room before, you’ll be surprised at how nice it is to work, sleep, or relax in a room without outside noises, especially when your home is noisy.