Make Your Own Beauty Products

Sitting alone in your home all day and doing nothing? Try these 5 DIY Beauty Hacks You Can Do from Home!

1. Green Tea Bags

The simplest DIY beauty trick from home is definitely the usage of Green Tea Bags which is definitely perfect to be used as a simple face-mask or eye-mask, depends on what you need it for. The benefits for face-mask could treats oily skin, clears clogged pores or simply protecting the skin from the sun while for the eye-mask could reduce puffiness and redness. Simply put the green tea bag on part of the face you wanted and leave it for 5 minutes.

2. Avocado Banana Hair Mask

Hair Mask is one of the easiest and amazing DIY to be done from home, especially when it’s time for you to take care of your hair. This hair mask works perfectly well for damaged hair with ingredients such as: apple cider vinegar, avocado, banana, an egg, and a little olive oil. Mix the avocado, banana, egg and oil in a food processor until smooth, apply it to your hair for 15 minutes while massaging it as well. Rinse it out, apply the vinegar and water mixture afterwards and rinse it out after 5 minutes.

3. Strawberry Hand Treatment

This DIY beauty hacks is definitely amazing for those with rough hands to have a way softer and smooth ones with ingredients include plain oats, olive oil and strawberries. Mash about 3 or 5 fresh large strawberries, and cook a few scoops of oatmeal with water, mix them altogether and add about 3 spoonfuls of olive oils. Sink your hand into the mixture and soak them for at least 5 minutes, while massaging your hand, afterwards, rinse it with warm water, and dry it out.

4. Lip Scrub for Dry Lips

Lip Scrub is actually one of the easiest DIY Beauty Hacks that works well and faster than any other hacks. Dry Lips are also easier to be taken care of if you have brown sugar, honey, and olive oil. Simply mix them all together until the texture felt really soft and smooth, apply them to your lips for 10 minutes. Do this every day until you’re pretty sure your lips are no longer dry and chapped.

5. DIY for Troubled Skin.

People have different skin problems and some might get their own skin to be upset, you know your skin is pretty upset if it’s red, or if you’re itchy, or maybe some rash can clearly shown. The easiest way to calm your upset skin is actually by applying a well-mixed oats into the troubled skin. Oats are full of lubricating fats and sugars that help to moisturize the skin and calm them down.

There you go, Beauty doesn’t always mean you have to spend more money on make ups or beauty products. Beauty products could be invented or made to and if you’re doing pretty good at making DIY, you could actually produce a big amount of Beauty Products and getting some profit from it.