Common Misconceptions About Drug Detox
Drug addiction is a substance abuse disorder that impacts a person’s brain. As individuals become more addicted, their behaviors and lives can change, sometimes drastically. Simple experimentation or recreational drug use can lead to serious addictions, which makes ceasing drug use extremely difficult without help. However, there are several misconceptions about the detox process that these individuals should understand.
You Can Expect Quick Results
If you force your detox and make it too rapid, it can become unsafe. Rapid detox can cause heart attacks, pulmonary edema, abnormal electrolytes, blurred vision, aspiration pneumonia, and an enlarged heart. You may also feel an inclination toward suicide. Rapid detox can also lead to drug addiction relapses. You could experience an aggravation or worsening of existing mental and physical health challenges.
Although some clinics may offer rapid detox options, this process is not appropriate for everyone. In addition, medical professionals should supervise this type of drug detox.
Everyone Goes Through the Same Detox
Everyone has a unique Nashville drug detox journey. However, many of the steps are the same. First, they should identify why and what kind of help they need. Then, they need to stop taking the drug and go through a detoxification process, where their bodies remove the remaining substances from their systems. These individuals need monitoring throughout the process, and the medications or treatments should gradually cease. Finally, medical professionals can release the patient from the program.
The medications used, time required and counseling may differ significantly among patients.
Detox Equals Personal Failure
Addiction is a disease. It is not a personal failure or moral violation. Recognizing your need for a drug detox actually takes great strength, and patients should never feel ashamed about their need for help.
Detox Is the End of the Journey
Recovery is a process that will take much longer than your detox process. Individuals may spend years weaning themselves off of medication and attending counseling to find and address the root of their drug problems. Then, they have to make conscious efforts to remain sober, identifying triggers and finding ways to combat and cope with them. Instead of looking at detox as a final solution, they should see it as the first step in a journey.
Detox is Painless
Addiction is a serious disease, and treatment requires that the body removes every trace of the substance. Rapid detox is especially painful. Detox assisted by medication can have little to no pain, but the process takes much longer. Clients who have serious addictions should expect some discomfort.
Detox is Medication Free
Most drug detox programs provide medications to help with withdrawals. However, these treatment programs often combine counseling or behavioral therapies in addition to medications. These methods have positive benefits, such as increased patient survival rates. They also encourage patients to continue their treatments. Some of these medications block feelings of euphoria, reduce cravings, and improve brain chemistry.
Those who make the decision to seek help for their drug addiction should understand the process and what to expect. They should make informed decisions about their mental and physical health and treatments.