Category: Business

3 Reasons Why You Need an Internal Auditor for Your Company

You feel a sense of pride when you wake up in the morning to run your business yet another day. But in the back of your mind, you can’t help but to wonder if your company is achieving its key business goals. And how do you know for sure that your organization is protected against fraud? Research shows that […]

What to Consider Before Starting an Office Renovation

There comes a point in every business owner’s life when they realize that their current setup just isn’t working for their needs anymore. Maybe your business has grown, and you’ve run out of space. Maybe you’ve shifted your focus from one type of product or service to another. Whatever your reasoning, if you’re considering an […]

Bryan Cumby – Myths About CEOs Shattered

If you have ever seen one of those get-rich-quick adverts on YouTube then you will likely have heard kinds of claims made about CEOs and the behaviors which they follow. The reality however is that most of those things which you are told about successful CEOs like Bryan Cumby are in fact far from true. […]

Aluminum Ladders and More, What You’ll Need To Be a Window Cleaner

If you have dreams of starting your very own business then one great place to start is to be a window cleaner. This is something which we are seeing less and less of but in times whereby many have lost their jobs, this could in fact be something that you could use to make good […]

Preventative vs Predictive Maintenance

Do you work in the manufacturing industry? The manufacturing industry in the USA is so huge that it employs almost 12 million workers.  The manufacturing industry is a key industry. It supports the backbone of the US economy. But, like all industries, it has suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.  If you are in the manufacturing industry what can […]

Three Types of Companies That Will Help Your Business Run Smoothly

When it comes to running a business, collaboration is key. As much as you’d like to think your business is 100% independent, there will be various tasks that you simply cannot do yourself. Businesses supporting other businesses is a big part of everyone’s company’s running smoothly, and we don’t mean in terms of sales and […]

5 Tips for Running a Successful Home Service Company

Home services have been in higher demand in the last year. Since people have been working remotely (or not working at all) and staying home, the need for home services has skyrocketed. And this trend shows no signs of slowing down since many people may continue working remotely into the foreseeable future. So, if you’ve […]

Small Business Financing: 5 Ways to Boost Your Odds of Getting a Loan

If you’re planning on starting a small business, you’ll need more than hopes and dreams to get your company off the ground. Starting a small business takes a lot of planning, sacrifice, hard work, and dedication. One of the most challenging obstacles you might face is getting the small business financing you need to get […]

Six Easy Ways to Turn Your Business Around

The success of a business is dependent on many things, some of which will be avoidable, and others not so much. Unavoidable things that could affect your business’ success include a global pandemic, the collapse of the stock market or a steep recession. Things that could be avoided range in severity, but we’ve compiled six […]