How Asphalt Contractors Work

Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates (crushed rock, sand, or gravel) and a binder that bonds them together. It is commonly used in road construction and seals flat roofs.

Contractors must use high-quality materials to ensure the longevity of their paving solutions. In addition, it helps them to provide safer and more cost-efficient work for their customers.


Asphalt paving is a complex process that requires specialized equipment. Some leading equipment contractors use are dump trucks, pavers, and sweepers.

Dump trucks transport asphalt mixtures from the plant to the paving site. Most trucks raise the front end of the bed to discharge materials out of the back. Other trucks, called live bottom trucks, discharge material through a conveyor belt.

Pavers are machine-laying machines that lay asphalt mixtures on roads, parking lots, and other surfaces. They rely on various materials for compaction, including sand and gravel.

The pavement mix must meet requirements for load resistance, weather conditions, thermal variations, rutting, air void content, and other factors. 

Other equipments used by asphalt contractors near me include sweepers, milling machines, and compactors. These machines remove the top layer of asphalt pavement before a new overlay is placed on it.


If you want to work in a career as an asphalt contractor, you’ll need training. The most common type of training is a High School diploma, but you may also need a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering to advance your career in this field.


Asphalt paving contractors must have extensive experience to ensure they provide clients with the high-quality results they deserve. In addition, they should have a team that can complete projects within the agreed-upon time frame and works with high safety standards.

When choosing an asphalt contractor, it is essential to do your research and get several estimates from different companies. It will help you choose the best one for your project and ensure you get a fair price.

An excellent way to gauge a paving contractor’s quality of work is to ask for references from past clients. It is because past clients have no incentive to lie about the service they received from a particular contractor.

It would be best to look at their business licenses and insurance information to ensure they are reputable. It will ensure that you and your property are protected if something were to go wrong during the installation process.


Asphalt is used in paving and surfacing roads and roofing and siding materials. It’s a petroleum product that can be dangerous to workers if not handled properly.

Asphalt contractors need to understand how to keep their employees safe at all times. Safety measures include educating workers about the hazards of working with heated asphalt and using a material safety data sheet (SDS) to ensure they know which chemicals are in their work product.

Fume control is crucial for workers. It can be done through engineering controls, administrative actions, and personal protective equipment.

The fumes of heated asphalt can be harmful, and workers should wear PPE to protect their respiratory systems. It includes a mask, gloves, and goggles to help protect their skin from exposure to vapors.